Manual ownCloud Upgrade

Manual ownCloud Upgrade

Always start by making a fresh backup and disabling all 3rd party apps.

Put your server in maintenance mode. This prevents new logins, locks the sessions of logged-in users, and displays a status screen so users know what is happening. There are two ways to do this, and the preferred method is to use theocc command, which you must run as your HTTP user. This example is for Ubuntu Linux:

sudo -u www-data php occ maintenance:mode --on

The other way is by entering your config.php file and changing 'maintenance' => false, to 'maintenance' =>true,.

  1. Back up your existing ownCloud Server database, data directory, and config.php file. (See Backing up ownCloud.)

  2. Download and unpack the latest ownCloud Server release (Archive file) from into an empty directory outside of your current installation.

    To unpack your new tarball, run: tar xjf owncloud-[version].tar.bz2

Enterprise users must download their new ownCloud archives from their accounts on

  1. Stop your Web server.

  2. Rename your current ownCloud directory, for example owncloud-old.

  3. Unpacking the new archive creates a new owncloud directory populated with your new server files. Copy this directory and its contents to the original location of your old server, for example /var/www/, so that once again you have /var/www/owncloud.

  4. Copy the config.php file from your old ownCloud directory to your new ownCloud directory.

  5. If you keep your data/ directory in your owncloud/ directory, copy it from your old version of ownCloud to your new owncloud/. If you keep it outside of owncloud/ then you don’t have to do anything with it, because its location is configured in your original config.php, and none of the upgrade steps touch it.

  6. If you are using 3rd party applications, look in your new owncloud/apps/ directory to see if they are there. If not, copy them from your old apps/ directory to your new one. Make sure the directory permissions of your third party application directories are the same as for the other ones.

  7. Restart your Web server.

  8. Now launch the upgrade from the command line using occ, like this example on CentOS Linux:

    sudo -u apache php occ upgrade
  9. The upgrade operation takes a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the size of your installation. When it is finished you will see a success message, or an error message that will tell where it went wrong.

Assuming your upgrade succeeded, disable the maintenance mode:

sudo -u www-data php occ maintenance:mode --off

Login and take a look at the bottom of your Admin page to verify the version number. Check your other settings to make sure they’re correct. Go to the Apps page and review the core apps to make sure the right ones are enabled. Re-enable your third-party apps. Then apply strong permissions to your ownCloud directories (Setting Strong Directory Permissions).

 sumber :
By yans008 Posted in Uncategorized

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